Why did i fail

Why did i fail

Will any one understand why did i fail i hope you will as you seem to have some common sense.Please go through this page and you will know why did i really fail and tell me is it my fault,i don't understand why my parents and teachers keep scolding me rather than understanding.

First of all A year only has 365 days,is it my fault.....

And every year has at least 52 Sundays,is it my fault.......(313 days left)

And 8 hours of sleep is mandatory which equals 122 days,is it my fault.......(191 days left)

And 1 hr of play which i cannot afford to lose,every day which equals 15 days,is it my fault......(176 days left)

And 2 hours for eating and other activities which equals 30 days,is it my fault......(146 days left)

And 1 hour is spent on journey to school which equals 15 days,is it my fault......(131 days left)

And 35 days are devoted for exams,is it my fault......(96 days left)

And 90 days of summer holidays for school,is it my fault.....(6 days left)

And i fall ill at least 3 times a year,is it my fault........(3 days left)

And at least 2 family functions every year,is it my fault.......(1 day left)

And it is my Birthday today is it fair to read today rather than partying........now tell where is the time for me to study and pass ha............

Is it really my fault ha tell mama